Terms of Reference 2024 QUIZ MASTER

Student and Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) is a membership-based public health social movement organization birthed in 2003 with the express ambition to contribute to the existence of healthy and empowered young people. It draws its membership from tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe and the SADC region. It also organizes and mobilizes students and young people to participate in the promotion of global, regional, and national targets and goals for sustainable development.

SAYWHAT provides platforms for students and youths to discuss public health challenges including sexual and reproductive health and contribute to the development of solutions to the challenges. One of the platforms is the SAYWHAT Quiz Challenge. The Quiz model is unique in providing several benefits that include testing the students’ education and public health knowledge levels and identifying information gaps to guide the organization in its programming.

The inaugural edition of the SAYWHAT QUIZ Challenge was launched in 2019 and the previous editions of the QUIZ Challenge productions has been broadcasted across various tv networks including Hearts and Soul tv (HSTV), Zim papers TV Network (ZTN), 3ktv and mindset channel on Digital Satellite television (DStv). The previous editions are available on the SAYWHAT You Tube platform.

This year, the SAYWHAT QUIZ Challenge is in its 6th Edition. The 2024 competition will take place at the SAYWHAT Studio of Choice located at 24 Jefferson, Logan Park Hatfield Harare on the 27th and 28th of May from 8am – 5pm. The SAYWHAT Quiz Challenge will run under the theme “A Decade of Action: Students Unpacking and Pushing for Global Goals”.




    • To analyze students and youth cognitive abilities in retrieving information of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and its related frameworks.

    • To facilitate transferring of accurate information on national, regional, and international public health frameworks.

    • To foster critical thinking that results in the development of innovative solutions that address emerging health and education challenges being faced by young people at national level.

SAYWHAT is therefore seeking a consultant who will act as a moderator (chairperson) for the 2-day quiz challenge.



The purpose of this assignment is for the consultant to fully participate in the SAYWHAT Quiz Challenge and facilitate, review, and guide the competition. S/he will use the SAYWHAT QUIZ manual to ensure that all the participants adhere to the quiz rules. Furthermore, the chairperson should be presentable and be able to articulate quiz questions both in a clear and marketable manner such that production of the quiz challenge can be used as a fundraising tool for similar interventions that addresses education and health challenges faced by young people.  



The consultant shall work within a broad spectrum covering the following aspects:


    • To meet physically/virtually with the SAYWHAT Communications and Advocacy team (and any other relevant consultants i.e., quiz producer, adjudicators) at least 1 week before the event to deliberate on the assignment and share relevant information and templates.

    • Familiarize with SAYWHAT and its partners, the participants, the quiz script, and questions. Use own judgement to encourage participation, eliminate inappropriate content, and contribute to the production of an edutainment quiz challenge that meets international broadcasting standards.

    • Facilitate or act as a neutral participant during the quiz challenge, by defining boundaries and rules, providing the questions and answers, encourage participants to share answers, holding them to time limits.

    • Facilitate discussion between adjudicators/judges and students.


The Consultant is expected to play the role of a ringmaster, balancing firmness with friendliness to create an engaging debate experience.



# Task Deliverable Deadline Payment %
1 Briefing on the task Minutes of the briefing 23 May 2024
2 Quiz Production Moderator 27-18 May 2024 100%


Skills and Knowledge


    • Bachelor’s degree in English/Communications/Marketing

    • Experience with or knowledge of key concepts of education, public health including Sexual and Reproductive health issues.

    • Proven skill in moderating events.

    • Proven experience with at least two (2) referees and samples.

    • Excellent oral and written English. 



    • Copy of CV with at least two (2) referees.

    • Quotation for the service.

    • Two (2) samples of previous work on events of similar nature.

    • Cover Letter demonstrating the ability to execute this task and the methodologies to be employed.



    • The Consultant will report to SAYWHAT Communications and Advocacy Lead.

    • The Consultant will be responsible for their own overheads and logistical requirements such as transport, office space, administrative and secretarial support, telecommunications, and printing of documentation.

    • All deliverables will be prepared in English.


Interested candidates may express their interest by emailing to procurement@saywhat.org.zw and cc infor@saywhat.org.zw referencing “2024 QUIZ MASTER” by the 7th of May 2024. Please Note: Once appointed, the consultant is expected to fulfill ethical conduct that include confidentiality, consent, doing no harm, and reading and signing the SAYWHAT safeguarding policy.

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