Whilst Zimbabwe has made significant progress in strengthening the legislative framework post the adoption of the current Constitution, research has established that a lot still needs to be done if the country is to get to a point where children in Zimbabwe live lives that are free from all forms of violence. SAYWHAT’s work with children and young people in Epworth and Hopley has shown that few development partners support juvenile offenders’ post-trial and post-prison integration with families and schools. The growing number of juvenile offenders interfacing with the justice system therefore requires a coordinated reintegration plan for juvenile offenders so that their rights are safeguarded especially at the backdrop of community stigmatization. This problem seats in the context that children and young people in Epworth and Hopley are still experiencing other traditional problems such as Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) creating an environment of multiple vulnerabilities.
The humanitarian situation induced by the covid-19 pandemic has been identified by this project as one of the root causes for further disruption of both prevention and protection services in the targeted districts. Cases of GBV rose sharply in Zimbabwe in 2020 at the beginning of covid-19 lockdowns with the national GBV hotline recording a 200% increase. Such realities come as most GBV service providers operations were interrupted to access communities especially in peri urban and rural districts.
The above challenges have also been documented by SAYWHAT in its SASA, She Can and Spotlight project reports whilst various CSOs within the referral pathway have also unearthed the same. The above noted projects have identified as a major problem that children and young people in these areas are exposed to SGBV and SRH challenges both at family and community levels. Statistics from the Victim Friendly Courts further revealed that 64, 2% are rape offenses recorded in Harare and an average 53, 2% across other provinces in Zimbabwe.
Furthermore, the government social welfare district mechanisms have compromised capacities to respond in real time either to prevent or protect adolescence and young people in peri-urban and rural communities. These challenges are found in the context where peri-urban and rural communities do not have adequate, accessible and available protection services to absorb the growing numbers of adolescence and young people survivors who might need to access medico-legal and psychosocial support services.
The project will thus be rolled out with a view to improve on the coordination of the provision of post –trial psycho-social support for children and juvenile offenders which will in the medium term contribute to improved psycho-social well- being and socio-economic development for children and young women in the 2 districts. The CRIF project will also be aimed at coordinating the provision of legal services and awareness on the rights of juvenile offenders by rights-based Civil Societies (CSOs) in the 2 districts where these rights-based NGOs have not ordinarily operated, which intervention will in the medium term contribute to improved protection of children and young women’s socio-economic rights in Zimbabwe. Lastly the CRIF project will be aimed at empowering children and young women to fully ascertain their rights in formal and informal protections, which intervention is successfully executed will in the medium term contribute to enhanced respect and promotion of children and young women’s rights in the 2 districts of Hopley and Epworth
The targeted results for the CRIF are as follows.
Purpose of the Rapid Assessment
The Rapid assessment seeks to establish the state of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality (AAAQ)[1] of post- trial psychosocial support services for children and juvenile offenders in Epworth and Hopely communities in Zimbabwe. The consultant is expected to collect both quantitative and qualitative data which shall inform the results of the assessment. The consultant is also obliged to capture credible and correct data sources that can be traceable for reference purposes.
Scope of the assessment
The assessment is expected to cover Epworth and Hopely communities focusing on the AAAQ framework on access to services. This translates to Availability, Accessibility (Physical, Financial, Administrative, Social and Information), Acceptability and Quality.
The consultant is expected to use relevant and applicable/appropriate methodology, as per their experience, to gather information and data, analyze and logically present to the satisfaction of the contracting organization (SAYWHAT) and funding partner in this case, UNICEF.
Expected Deliverables
Concept Note/Inception report and Data collection tools: The concept note shall detail the scope of work, methodology, including sampling, data collection methods, data analysis methods, data quality assurance plan, risk management, staffing, and ethical considerations in conducting the assessment. This must be submitted on the 9 October 2022.
First draft report: 29th October 2022. This shall be done either virtually or face to face during a Validation meeting facilitated by the consultant to discuss preliminary findings.
Final Report: The layout of the report shall be as follows.
The table below shows the implementation calendar for the baseline
Description of task |
Deliverable |
Timeline |
Briefing with SAYWHAT on the assessment and agreeing on proposed tasks |
Concept note, Data collection Tools |
5 days |
Data Collection, Analysis and compilation of first draft report |
First Draft Report (Format stated in the deliverables section) |
20 days |
Validation of the report (Workshop with SAYWHAT, UNICEF, Key Stakeholders). |
1 day |
Revising the draft report to incorporate comments shared and feedback from the validation workshop. |
Final Report
PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the findings
Results Framework with baseline findings |
3 days |
Duration of the Rapid assessment
The Assessment is estimated to take 30 days.
Required Expertise
Team Leader
Required submissions
Submission of proposal
[1] UNICEF Availability, accessibility, adaptability and quality guide can be accessed here: https://gbvguidelines.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/AAAQ-framework-Nov-2019-WEB.pdf
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