The Southern African Regional Students and Youth Consortium is a regional platform which addresses the sexual and reproductive health challenges of students and young people. The SARSYC Conference was conceptualised in 2015 after the conveners noted that there was a need to amplify the collective voice of students and young people in the SADC region. The SARSYC has made significant contributions in the region through shaping, reflecting and influencing regional frameworks on SRHR and has been expanding its scope to look at other issues that are affecting young people and students such as inclusive and equitable education, their general well-being to include issues of mental health, other non-communicable diseases and issues of Sexual Gender Based Violence.
The Southern African Regional Students and Youth Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SARSYC) invites students, young people, organizations, and partners willing to host side events during the SARSYC 4TH Conference. The side events will be conducted during the course of the Conference (24-26 August 2022). This offers a unique opportunity for organizations to hold interactive engagements, workshops and Dialogues at a regional platform with students and young people. The conference is expecting to host more than 300 delegates as well as other civil society organizations, government representatives, UN Agencies and Tertiary Institutions.
Side Event Registration
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