The Sexual and Reproductive Health Education and Advocacy Project (REAPS) is funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and it seeks to harvest the potential, abilities and skills of young people in advocating for quality sexual and reproductive health services and promoting their uptake among young people. It is a young people centered project that promotes peer to peer dialogue and engagement to cultivate responsible behavior using youth-related interventions.
SAYWHAT has been in partnership with UNFPA for the past decade and has over the years improved young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services particularly those at higher learning institutions. The program’s primary objectives are calculated to improve young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and improve their competence in dealing with the various sexual and reproductive health challenges that they face.
Some of the objectives of the REAPS project also include:
• Ensuring access to comprehensive and accurate information to SRH Services by young people in tertiary institutions;
• Ensuring availability of quality and comprehensive SRH services in college clinics;
• Increasing SRH service uptake for young people in tertiary institutions;
The project has recorded a number of achievements that include but not limited to the establishment of resource centres in various higher learning institutions. Various interventions were also done to improve knowledge and raising awareness on key SRH challenges that young people face including the development of an application on SRH, IEC material production and Bulk SMSes on SRH.