Students And Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) expresses its support for the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) and commends their recent efforts in revoking permits and licenses of wholesale dealers involved in drug peddling. SAYWHAT stands firmly with MCAZ in their mission to eradicate drugs and substance abuse in Zimbabwe.
Recent actions taken by MCAZ to cancel permits and licenses of those involved in illegal sale of codeine-containing medicines, such as Histalix, are crucial in curbing drug abuse. SAYWHAT acknowledges the importance of regulating the availability of such medicines. By implementing measures to control the distribution of codeine-containing medicines, MCAZ is working towards safeguarding the well-being and health of Zimbabwean youth.
SAYWHAT recognizes the need for collaborative efforts between MCAZ, government law enforcement agencies, and relevant stakeholders to address the issue effectively. We support MCAZ’s engagement with agencies such as the Zimbabwe Republic Police, Crime Investigation Department (CID) Drugs, National Prosecutors, and Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) in their joint efforts to prevent drug abuse and curb illegal importation.
SAYWHAT acknowledges that the problem of drug abuse is not limited to the availability of drugs alone but also requires comprehensive educational initiatives. We commend MCAZ for their commitment to public education and awareness programs. SAYWHAT shares the belief that fighting drug abuse requires active involvement of everyone in society. We stand ready to collaborate with MCAZ and provide our support in organizing and conducting educational trainings across provinces to raise awareness about the dangers associated with drug abuse.
SAYWHAT recognizes the interconnectedness between drug abuse and reproductive health. We remain dedicated to empowering young people in Zimbabwe to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and to continue to raise awareness among young people and the community at large. To that end, SAYWHAT is implementing multiple initiatives to combat the scourge of drug and substance abuse and improve sexual and reproductive health for all. SAYWHAT remains committed to safeguard and protect young people from the dangers of drug and substance abuse. We call upon all stakeholders, including youth-led organizations, government agencies, civil society, and communities, to unite in the fight against drug abuse. Together, we can create a future where young people are protected from the harms of substance abuse and have access to the resources they need to thrive.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Isabella Michael
Communication, Advocacy and Media Lead
+263 78 270 2887
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