LOCATION: Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Malawi, and via ZOOM

DATES: 24th – 26th AUGUST 2022


The fourth edition of SARSYC invites the submission of original research abstracts by young researchers, creative writers, human rights activists as well as youth working with civil society and advocacy organisations in the Southern African region. Abstracts will be classified into 5 themes – each discussing the implications of COVID-19 on young people’s (i) sexual and reproductive health rights, (ii) mental health, (iii) drug and substance abuse, (iv) unsafe abortion and (v) education and well-being.

Importantly, this year’s hybrid SARSYC will focus on reshaping, replanning, and recommitting to the youth agenda across the Southern African Region. Especially related to interruptions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic across all developmental facets in young people’s lives and suggest suitable recommendations – for policy and practice. The conference will further raise awareness on regional and international frameworks that promote the development of young people and facilitate their active and meaningful participation.

Abstract guidelines

  1. Should be written and presented (during the conference) in English. Presentations will be done either orally (e.g., by use of a power point presentation) or by poster (poster presentation). 
  2. Should not exceed 300 words.
  3. The body should be formatted clearly starting with the study’s background, main objective (&/or specific objectives), methods, results and conclusions.
  4. Include names (first and last) and affiliation of each author.
  5. Include a clear title that concisely describes the content of the abstract.
  6. Indicate whether abstract is based on a completed and publishable original research paper or not.

Expectation post-conference

Successful applicants will be asked to submit copies of their original research papers soon after the conference. These will be peer-reviewed with a view to publish them as journal articles or in a conference proceeding book-format. As such, applicants should indicate whether their submitted abstract is based on a completed and publishable original research paper or not. Only abstracts based on complete and publishable manuscripts will be considered/prioritized for presentation during the conference. Further details on the post-conference publication will be made available to presenters in due course.

Submission deadlines

Abstract submission:                                1 August 2022

Notice of acceptance or rejection:             10 August 2022

Abstract submission

Please send your abstract – preferably in PDF format – to sarsycconference@gmail.com &/or sarsyc@saywhat.org.zw

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