The Youth Led Advocacy for improved access to Integrated HIV & TB Services for students living with HIV in Zimbabwe’s Tertiary Institutions is a project funded by Stop TB Partnership covering 10 provinces of Zimbabwe with one tertiary institution per province coordinating activities for each province.

The project primarily targets Students living with HIV in 10 tertiary institutions, policy makers, health service providers and authorities in the TB response sector in Zimbabwe. SAYWHAT is implementing this project with the support from the National TB program under the Ministry of Health and Child Care. 


SAYWHAT is also partnering with other civic society organizations whose work speak to TB advocacy. SAYWHAT has over the years observed that Zimbabwe does not have specific programmes to address TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for students living with HIV in tertiary institutions and that students are not included in decision making for TB. Coupled with high levels of TB stigma and discrimination and with young women being mostly affected, there is limited access to TB preventive therapy for students living with HIV due to lack of information.


The project therefore aims at creating an enabling environment where students living with HIV in Zimbabwe’s tertiary institutions can access quality integrated TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment care services freely. The project will create sustainable opportunities for Students where they can be actively involved in the TB response and influence strategic decisions at tertiary and national level.