We are delighted to announce the launch of a new baby on the regional front the Sexuality Education for Transformation (SET) project recently in Zambia courtesy of the support from the AmplifyChange.
The SET project is aiming to create a strong movement of youth focused CSOs in Southern Africa which advocates for girls and young women from rural communities to access comprehensive SRH services and information
Among other objectives, SET is targeting to capacitate community-based and youth-led organizations so that they are able to use evidence in their SRH related advocacy work as well as promoting intra- and intercountry peer learning.
SET Project further prioritises the SRH needs of adolescent girls and young women in rural and farming communities who are largely disadvantaged.
SET project regional partners include the Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education and Girls Activist Youth Organization (GAYO) from Malawi, National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) and the Centre for Reproductive Health and Education from Zambia, Associacao Mulher from Mozambique, Lei e Desenvolvimento, Plataforma Mulheres Em Acção and Mwana Pwo from Angola, MWANASIKANA WANHASI, Farming Communities Educational Trust (FACET) and Women Excel Trust from Zimbabwe with SAYWHAT as a lead applicant.
The new regional project is strengthening and increasing SAYWHAT’s regional footprints that were established historically by the Southern African Regional Students and Youth Conference (SARSYC) dating back to 2015.
SARSYC has since been transformed from being a platform of conferences into a consortium with a clearly defined programming work that primarily targets regional policies that are at odds with health and educational needs of young people and students.
Shared regional experiences concerning access to health and quality educational services especially from the disadvantaged communities compelled SAYWHAT to coordinate a collective regional voice that carries out advocacy targeting governments from the Southern Africa.
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