Unintended and/or teenage pregnancies have been a major reproductive health concern as some teenagers have already begun childbearing by their 19th birthdays. Zimbabwe broadly adopted comprehensive condom programming including distribution and education as a key strategy to prevent STIs including HIV as well as unintended pregnancies. The strategy has, however, been challenged by the COVID-19-induced realities country-wide.


SAYWHAT launched the Condomize Campaign in communities to ensure that young people have access to quality information on the use of condoms and to challenge the myths around condom use. Condom use is a critical part of a comprehensive, effective, and sustainable approach to preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and unintended pregnancy. To be highly effective, condoms must be used correctly and consistently. Since 2015, the organisation has been implementing the campaign and other interventions which support Comprehensive Condom Programming nationwide.

Condomize Riddim

Condomize Shows